Todd Roush has been our Fitness Coordinator at Immanuel Living for over 5 years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with a background in Physical Therapy. He’s a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor. He’s also an active participant in the International Council of Active Aging and of Novare Wellness Exchange. Todd teaches classes that range from basic fitness, balance and fall prevention, to water aerobics, and high intensity interval training. Here at Immanuel, Todd creates plans for residents and staff and monitors their health and fitness challenges. 

Todd Roush standing in the fitness center at Immanuel Living, located in Kalispell, Montana

What’s His favorite Travel Destination?

In 2023, Todd and his family traveled to Turks and Caicos Islands which is a string of islands southeast of the Bahamas. According to Todd, it has the bluest water you’ll ever see.

Favorite Quotes

“Failure is not an option: it’s a necessity. Every misstep is a lesson learned. Every setback is a chance to grow stronger. Embrace the struggle and become unstoppable.” -Unknown Author

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison

What Hobby Does He Enjoy?

A hobby that not many people know about our health professional, Todd, is that he is a serious Movie Buff. He refers to himself as a nerd who enjoys trivia and facts pertaining to movies and television series. Among his favorite movies are Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Marvel. He recommends Harry Potter audio books narrated by Stephen Fry.

What Sparked Todd’s Interest in This Field?

High school and college sports led to Todd’s interest in pursuing the career that he has today; He grew up spending a lot of time around exercise. When he was in high school, Todd injured his shoulder which required physical therapy. He had such a positive experience with physical therapy and loved the idea of helping people achieve success with their goals, just like he had.

How Todd Motivates Individuals Who May Be Struggling to Adhere to an Exercise or Therapy Program?

Todd inspires his clients by emphasizing the importance of mindset. According to him, the initial step is to encourage individuals to honestly acknowledge their goals. Once a clear destination is established, it becomes a powerful motivator for embracing those aspirations. Acceptance of one’s current position in alignment with set goals fosters receptiveness to Todd’s guidance and a commitment to their health and fitness plan. Todd believes that with a determined mindset, the rest falls into place effortlessly. He emphasizes that age is not a barrier to positive health changes.

What about Pain?

Todd mentioned that pain does discourage people from committing to their health goals; People think exercise will make pain worse, but Todd wants to encourage people that exercise relieves pain, being healthier reduces pain, and sticking to a health and fitness plan lowers or removes pain in its entirety.

If you’d like more information about Immanuel Living or you want to set up a health and fitness plan with Todd, please call us at (406)752-9624. Check out the Amenities we offer at Immanuel Living Senior Living Kalispell, MT • 55 Plus Community • Lutheran Home Immanuel Living ( Visit us on Facebook for fun updates about Immanuel Living (1) Facebook

Today, we’re delving into the journey of restoring mobility and maintaining it for an active lifestyle. Whether due to injury, illness, or simply the effects of aging, mobility can diminish over time, but with dedication and the right strategies, individuals can regain and sustain their freedom of movement.

Physical Therapist assisting patient that has physical limitations with weight exercises.

Assess Current Mobility Levels:

  • Encourage individuals to assess their current mobility levels honestly, noting any limitations or areas of concern.
  • Suggest consulting with healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists or doctors, to create personalized mobility restoration plans.

Start Slowly and Progress Gradually:

  • Emphasize the importance of starting any mobility restoration regimen slowly to prevent injury and avoid overexertion.
  • Recommend gradually increasing the intensity, duration, and complexity of exercises and activities as mobility improves.
Two people starting mobility regimen slowly with simple and low intensity exercises.
Seniors utilizing low-impact stationary cycling to improve mobility and avoid stress on joints.

Incorporate Low-Impact Exercises:

  • Recommend low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or stationary cycling to improve cardiovascular health and overall mobility without putting undue stress on joints.
  • Encourage individuals to engage in these activities regularly to enhance endurance and promote weight management.

Focus on Range of Motion Exercises:

  • Highlight the significance of range of motion exercises to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness in joints.
  • Provide examples of gentle stretching routines that target different muscle groups and promote greater mobility.
Woman practicing a gentle stretching and range of motion exercise.
Man using strength training gym equipment to target legs and core to improve strength and stability.

Prioritize Strength and Stability:

  • Stress the benefits of strength training exercises to rebuild muscle mass and improve stability.
  • Recommend exercises that target the legs, core, and upper body to enhance balance and support mobility.

Explore Physical Therapy Options:

  • Discuss the potential benefits of physical therapy for individuals seeking to restore mobility.
  • Encourage individuals to explore different physical therapy modalities, such as aquatic therapy or gait training, to address specific mobility challenges.
Aquatic therapy class to restore mobility.
Walking with a cane for assistance with mobility.

Consider Assistive Devices:

  • Introduce various assistive devices, such as canes, walkers, braces, or other mobility aids, to support individuals in their mobility restoration journey.
  • Emphasize the importance of proper fit and training when using assistive devices to maximize effectiveness and prevent accidents during therapy routines.

Stay Consistent and Patient:

  • Remind individuals that restoring mobility is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency.
  • Encourage them to stay motivated by setting realistic goals, celebrating progress, and seeking support from friends, family, or support groups.
Restoring mobility takes patience and consistency.

Restoring mobility is a journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and the right strategies. By assessing current mobility levels, starting slowly, incorporating low-impact exercises, focusing on range of motion exercises, prioritizing strength and stability, exploring physical therapy options, considering assistive devices, and staying consistent and patient, individuals can reclaim their mobility and enjoy active, independent lives once again.

Contact The Retreat today and see how our team can assist you on your journey towards a balanced, healthy and fulfilling life. Call 406-752-9692 to book your consultation or visit to learn more! Be sure to follow us on Facebook for more tips and updates about The Retreat:

Meet Ashley Bender, Physical Therapist (PT, DPT)

In the fast-paced world we live in, prioritizing health has become more crucial than ever. Outpatient therapy plays a pivotal role in supporting individuals on their journey to well-being.

One key aspect of outpatient therapy is its focus on prevention and maintenance. Rather than solely addressing crises, outpatient therapy provides a proactive approach and supports individuals on their journey to well-being.

Empowering Communication with Speech Therapy

Speech therapy goes beyond addressing communication challenges; it empowers individuals to express themselves with confidence. By focusing on speech and language development, speech therapy not only enhances communication skills but also plays a crucial role in boosting self-esteem and fostering social connections.

Revitalizing the Body through Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a cornerstone of outpatient care that aims to restore and improve functionality. Whether recovering from an injury or managing a chronic condition, physical therapy promotes overall physical well-being. The tailored exercises and techniques not only address specific concerns but also contribute to a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Relaxation and Rejuvenation with Massage Therapy

Massage therapy transcends mere relaxation; it is a holistic approach to mental and physical rejuvenation. By easing tension, reducing stress, and promoting better sleep, massage therapy becomes a valuable component of mental health maintenance.

Enhancing Daily Functionality with Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy focuses on enabling individuals to participate in meaningful daily activities. It’s not just about recovering from injury but also about optimizing one’s ability to engage in work, self-care, and leisure. Through personalized interventions, occupational therapy contributes to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in everyday life.

These therapies offer personalized approaches to address unique needs, fostering a sense of empowerment and control over one’s health journey. By integrating these outpatient therapies, individuals can experience the transformative impact on both their mental and physical health.

Contact The Retreat today and see how our team can assist you on your journey towards a balanced, healthy and fulfilling life. Call 406-752-9692 to book your consultation today or visit to learn more! Be sure to follow us on Facebook for more tips and updates about The Retreat:

Greetings to our valued community,

We are thrilled to announce that Immanuel Lutheran Communities has embarked on an exciting journey, evolving into Immanuel Living. This transformation is more than just a name change; it’s a reflection of our unwavering dedication to creating vibrant communities, fostering meaningful relationships, and empowering individuals to lead purposeful lives.

Why Immanuel Living?

The name “Immanuel Living” encapsulates our essence. It speaks to our commitment to providing a welcoming and supportive environment where every resident feels truly alive. We envision a future where individuals flourish, connecting with one another and discovering their unique purpose.

The vibrant new logo symbolizies optimism, community, and the potential for joy and fulfillment.

Our bold vision drives us forward. We aspire to push the boundaries of senior living, establishing a new paradigm where excellence and compassion reign supreme. Our team is empowered to shape a legacy of exceptional care and service, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.

Our decision to rebrand as Immanuel Living signifies our dedication to providing a vibrant, engaging, and fulfilling life for seniors. This change captures the essence of our mission to empower seniors to live life to the fullest while celebrating their unique individuality.

– Jason Cronk, President and CEO of Immanuel Living

The CIRCLE values guide our every step. Each letter represents a fundamental principle that drives our mission:

What’s Next?

As we embark on this reimagined journey, we invite you to join us. In the upcoming months, visit our updated website learn more about the exciting changes on the horizon.

Together, let’s reimagine senior living and create a future where every day is filled with possibilities!

In a fast-paced world where demands on our time and energy are unrelenting, prioritizing our mental and physical well-being can often take a back seat. However, at The Retreat, we believe that investing in yourself through outpatient therapy is not just a remedy for challenges; it’s a powerful tool for maintaining overall health, fitness, and a balanced lifestyle.

Embracing Therapy for Maintenance

Therapy is often associated with addressing specific issues or overcoming challenges, but it’s equally essential for maintenance purposes. Just as we visit the gym to keep our bodies fit, outpatient therapy serves as a regimen for mental and emotional fitness. Regular sessions act as a proactive measure, ensuring that we stay attuned to our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being.

Personalized 1-on-1 Sessions

At The Retreat, we recognize the significance of individualized care. Our one-on-one therapy sessions offer a tailored approach, allowing highly skilled professionals to tailor strategies to your unique needs. This focused attention ensures that your therapy experience is not only effective but also finely tuned to your goals, whether they involve stress management, personal growth, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Therapy for Everyone

Therapy is not exclusive to those facing an injury or crises; it’s a resource for everyone committed to maintaining a high quality of life. The Retreat fosters an environment that encourages individuals to embrace it as a routine part of their self-care regimen. Whether you’re an athlete, a professional, a student, or anyone navigating life’s challenges, outpatient therapy is a valuable tool in your arsenal for sustained well-being.

The Retreat Advantage

Choosing The Retreat for your outpatient therapy ensures access to a team of dedicated professionals committed to your health journey. Our therapists are not just experts in their fields; they are compassionate partners dedicated to guiding you through the ongoing process of self-discovery and growth.

Contact The Retreat today and see how our team can assist you on your journey towards a balanced, healthy and fulfilling life. Call 406-752-9692 to book your consultation today or visit to learn more!

Winter can be a challenging season, with the increased risk of falls and limited opportunities for outdoor activities. But there are plenty of strategies and resources available to help you stay safe and active during these colder months. At Immanuel Lutheran Community, we’re dedicated to ensuring our residents lead healthy, fulfilling lives year-round. In this blog, we’ll share essential tips on fall prevention and maintaining an active lifestyle during winter.

4 Strategies for Fall Prevention

Regular Exercise:

Physical activity is your best ally in fall prevention. Engaging in exercises that improve strength, balance, and flexibility can significantly reduce the risk of falls. Activities like yoga, tai chi, or chair exercises are excellent options for seniors.

Home Safety Measures:

Simple home modifications can make a world of difference. Ensure your living space is clutter-free, and consider installing grab bars in bathrooms and hallways. Adequate lighting is crucial, especially during the dark winter months.

Vision and Hearing Check-ups:

Regular eye and ear examinations are vital. Good vision and hearing are essential for balance and spatial awareness, so make sure you schedule these check-ups routinely.

Medication Management:

Work closely with your healthcare provider to manage your medications. Some drugs can have side effects like dizziness or drowsiness, which may increase the risk of falls. Communicate openly about any concerns.

4 Tips to Help You Stay Active During Winter

Indoor Activities:

When going outdoors isn’t an option, there are plenty of activities you can enjoy indoors. Join fitness classes within our community, which are tailored to seniors and cater to a wide range of abilities. Socialize with your peers while keeping fit.

Stretching Routines:

Gentle stretching routines can be done from the comfort of your home. These exercises promote flexibility, reduce stiffness, and are perfect for those chilly winter mornings.

Chair Exercises:

For those with limited mobility, chair exercises are a fantastic way to stay active. Seated leg lifts, arm circles, and seated marches can keep you moving without the need for a large space.

Nutritional Support:

Your diet plays a crucial role in winter wellness. Ensure you’re getting the right nutrients to keep your energy levels up and your immune system strong. Our nutritionist is available to provide guidance, and you can try some nutrient-rich winter recipes like hearty soups and stews.

The Expertise of Our Outpatient Therapy Team

Our Outpatient Therapy Team here at The Retreat is here to support you in your wellness journey. Comprising experienced professionals, they specialize in fall prevention and rehabilitation. Whether you’re seeking physical therapy, occupational therapy, or various other forms of therapy, our team is ready to assist.

Winter should be a time of enjoying cozy moments and staying active, not a period of increased risk. By following these tips, you can maintain your safety and well-being while embracing the beauty of the season. Reach out to our outpatient therapy team and engage in the various programs we offer to make your winter a season of vitality. Call 406-752-9692 to book your consultation today or visit to learn more!

[KALISPELL, OCTOBER 26, 2023] — Immanuel Skilled Care Center in Kalispell underwent its annual state survey from October 23 – 26 which resulted in a Deficiency Free Survey. When a facility receives a deficiency-free state survey, it means you or your loved one can expect the highest level of care in an optimum environment, which is important when choosing short-term rehab or long-term care. It means that during a center’s most recent state inspection, surveyors found zero deficiencies in care, services, or the environment.

When a nursing home receives a deficiency-free state survey, it means you or your loved one can expect the highest level of care in an optimum environment, which is important when choosing short term rehab or long-term care.

The state average of deficiencies in 2023 were 8.8 deficiencies per facility. Receiving a deficiency-free rating because of the state’s rigorous examination is one of top indicators of excellence and is the best score a long-term care can receive. It is a merit achieved by only a small number of providers. Generally, less than 5 percent of the 60 nursing homes in Montana receive a deficiency free survey.

“This is a great accomplishment and testament to all of the great and hardworking staff that work at Immanuel Skilled Care Center,” said Michael Weideman, Administrator for the Immanuel Skilled Care Center. “Our services meet or exceed rigorous state and federal standards which is great comfort to our residents and their families.”

Inspections are conducted by Montana Department of Health and Human Services in accordance with strict guidelines administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Surveyors arrive unannounced and, over a period of several days, observe care and procedures and check records for compliance with regulations on care, confidentiality, cleanliness, resident rights, and quality of services. The survey process also includes interviews with residents, residents’ family members, and center employees. 

The Immanuel Skilled Care Center is part of the Immanuel Lutheran Communities Life Plan Community.  

About Immanuel Lutheran Communities

Immanuel Lutheran Communities is a not-for-profit, Life Plan Community located in Kalispell, MT offering independent living, assisted living, memory support, rehabilitation services, skilled nursing care, in home companion services and early childhood education.  Immanuel is locally owned and managed and has been serving the Flathead Valley since 1957.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact: 

Ashley Abraham 
Director of Marketing & Sales 

Visit our Immanuel Skilled Care Center Site:


Immanuel Lutheran Communities a full-service life plan retirement community with a proud history since 1957, is launching a new service to serve residents in their home called Immanuel at Home.

According to the most recent AARP Home and Community Preferences Survey (2021), a large majority of older people plan to remain in their current home as they age: 77% of those age 50+ and 85% of those age 65 and older. But research also shows that 3 out of 5 people will need some level of long-term care services at some point as they age. This is where Immanuel at Home will help. 

Jason Cronk, President, and CEO, of Immanuel Lutheran Communities, states, “We have learned from market research that the Baby Boomer Generation, 10,000 turning 77 years of age every day, wants to remain in their home for as long as possible.  Many have put their parents in a retirement community, and they do not want to be “put” anywhere.  They want to be the CEO of their healthcare and of their retirement.”

Jason adds, “On top of these unique characteristics of the Boomer generation which spans a 20-year period, we also know there are many more of them than the current generation we have served for past 20 years from ages 78-98 years of age.   They are called the Silent Generation.  There are 19 million Americans in who fall into the Silent Generation demographic.   There are 70 million Americans who fall into the Boomer Generation.  For every 1 older adult from the silent generation contacting Immanuel to find a place to live today, there will soon be 3.5 times more people calling us as the Boomer generation continues to age.”

New Offerings

Introducing Immanuel at Home, the latest service to help our area older adults live their best life in their own homes.   With a mission to enhance the quality of life for Seniors, Immanuel at Home offers an array of personalized services.

This includes Club Immanuel, a membership program of personalized support that includes medical appointment transportation, monthly home maintenance, and access to a personal Concierge Service Coordinator that can assist with each individual’s needs. 

Additionally, Immanuel at Home is now offering Home Care services that provide personal care, transportation, companionship, and more, right in the comfort of Older Adults’ homes.

Sign Up

By signing up with Immanuel at Home, Older Adults and their families gain access to a network of dedicated professionals committed to enriching lives and fostering an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

For more information check us out at or call (406) 858-3118.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Jenna Justice, Program Director, Immanuel at Home 
Phone: (406)858-3118

Immanuel at Home, 40 Claremont, Kalispell, MT 59901

Novare Sales & Marketing Exchange 2023 at Saint John’s On the Lake

In the heart of Kalispell, Montana, Immanuel Lutheran Communities strives for excellence in Senior Living. But Immanuel is not alone in its mission to enhance the lives of seniors; it is part of a visionary consortium of nonprofit senior living communities spread across the country. Together, these organizations are rewriting the book on senior care, embarking on a journey that transcends borders, fosters collaboration, and sets new standards of excellence.

**Knowledge Sharing: A Beacon of Light**

Immanuel Lutheran Communities, alongside its partner organizations, has embraced the power of collaboration to elevate the senior care experience. Regular cross-community knowledge exchange sessions, virtual seminars, and symposiums provide a platform for experts to share insights, experiences, and best practices. This culture of openness ensures that innovation in Senior Living doesn’t remain confined within walls but resonates across the nation.

**Resource Pooling: Uniting Strengths**

Pooling resources is another hallmark of this alliance. The shared wisdom and expertise of these nonprofits extend to practical resources, too. From advanced technologies and training programs to guest speakers from leading industry partners, the consortium maximizes its resources by sharing ideas and successes. This means that seniors everywhere benefit from cutting-edge technology, creative solutions and high-quality services.

**Fostering a Rich Exchange: Beyond Borders**

The nationwide alliance of senior living nonprofits stands as a testament to what can be achieved when individuals and organizations unite behind a common purpose. From Florida to Montana, to New York and even Hawaii, the alliance showcases the power of collaboration. Together, they raise the bar for senior care, setting new standards and inspiring others to follow suit.

**Marketing: A Collective Symphony**

The impact of this alliance reverberates beyond the realm of care itself. Through innovative marketing strategies, these nonprofits amplify their reach and impact. Joint webinars and in-person conferences bring together experts from each community and each department to share insights on leadership, marketing, recreation, technology, culinary, hospitality and more.

In the tapestry of care that stretches across borders, Immanuel Lutheran Communities and its nationwide allies are weaving a legacy of compassion, innovation, and collaboration. The consortium’s commitment to sharing, learning, and uplifting seniors transcends boundaries, creating a brighter future for seniors everywhere.

Want to learn more about Novare or our partners? Click on any of the links below!

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Blakeford Senior Life
Nashville, TN
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Carolina Meadows
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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Urbana, Illinois
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Bloomfield, Connecticut
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Boulder, Colorado
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Immanuel Lutheran Communities
Kalispell, Montana
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Kāhala Nui
Honolulu, Hawaii
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Lambeth House
New Orleans, Louisiana
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Atlanta, Georgia
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Masonic Homes Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
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Tulsa, Oklahoma
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Moorings Park
Naples, Florida
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The Osborn
Rye, New York
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Saint John’s On The Lake
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Mather Place
Wilmette, Illinois
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Tucson, Arizona
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The Mather
Evanston, Illinois
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The Mather
Tysons, Virginia
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Vicar’s Landing
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
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Waverly Heights
Gladwyne, Pennsylvania
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The Legacy Midtown Park
Dallas, TX
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The Legacy Willow Bend
Plano, Texas
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Concert Series Lineup, Dates, Times & MORE!

Immanuel Lutheran Communities is thrilled to announce the much-anticipated Summer Courtyard Concert Series, bringing an eclectic mix of talented musicians to the heart of Kalispell. This series promises to enchant music lovers of all ages and tastes, with a lineup featuring renowned performers from various genres.

Mark your calendars for select Wednesday evenings from 7-8PM, starting on July 5th and culminating in a spectacular grand finale on Saturday, September 9th from 4-6PM.

The Summer Courtyard Concert Series will take place in the picturesque Buffalo Hill Terrace Courtyard, nestled at 40 Claremont Street, Kalispell, MT 59901. This enchanting outdoor venue offers a delightful ambiance, ensuring an unforgettable musical experience for attendees.

The lineup for the Summer Courtyard Concert Series includes an impressive roster of artists, each bringing their unique style and captivating performances:

July 5th – Kevin Van Dort: Prepare to be mesmerized by Kevin Van Dort’s soul-stirring blues, infused with rustic overtones from his slide on a barn wood box guitar. Van Dort’s gravelly timber and insightful lyricism transcend cultural boundaries and deliver an authentic dialect that resonates with audiences worldwide.

July 19th – Jack Gladstone: As an enrolled citizen of the Blackfeet Indian Nation, Jack Gladstone masterfully weaves Western and Native American culture through his music, lyric poetry, and spoken word. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey that celebrates heritage and storytelling.

August 2nd – Neal Lewing: Neal Lewing’s performances transport audiences through time, delivering an enthralling blend of songs from the past five decades and beyond. With anecdotes, storytelling, comedy, and even a touch of cowboy poetry, Lewing’s repertoire is an immersive experience that evokes nostalgia, laughter, and a touch of magic.

August 16th – The Montana Shamrockers: Get ready for an enchanting performance as this vocally-driven Irish quartet showcases their American-made Celtic music. With a unique blend of musicianship and humor, The Montana Shamrockers will captivate you with their irresistible charm.

August 30th – Hannah King & Michelle Rivers: Prepare to tap your toes and stir your soul as this singer/songwriter duo takes the stage. Hannah King and Michelle Rivers, seasoned recording artists and fiddle champions, deliver modern folk with a twist of bluegrass and country. Their original music is a harmonious blend that resonates deeply with audiences.

September 6th – Wai Mizutani with the Chen Family: Renowned violinist Wai Mizutani, acclaimed for his performances at Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, and with prestigious orchestras worldwide, will grace the stage with his extraordinary talent. Joining him is the esteemed Chen Family, creating a symphony of musical brilliance that is not to be missed.

Lastly, the grand finale of the Summer Courtyard Concert Series will take place on Saturday, September 9th, from 4-6PM, featuring the extraordinary acoustical duo, The Bad Larry’s. With Jay Aiken on acoustic guitar and Chris Arndt on upright bass, The Bad Larry’s will provide a fitting crescendo to this remarkable musical journey.

Immanuel Lutheran Communities is proud to present the Summer Courtyard Concert Series, offering a celebration of musical artistry. We invite the community of Kalispell and surrounding areas to join us for these unforgettable evenings of live music.

For more information about the Summer Courtyard Concert Series and to stay updated on any other events at Immanuel Lutheran, contact or call 406.752.9624.